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Laboratory Mentorship Programme: Two laboratory officers from Kiribati on attachment at Mataika House Fiji

SPC introduced a laboratory mentorship programme which consists of, among others, a 2-week twinning activity with pre-identified Level 2 reference laboratory. The laboratory mentorship programme focuses on tasks performed by laboratory officers in Level 1 laboratories. Managers and laboratory officers of Level 2 reference laboratories will also benefit from this programme as the tasks required to strengthen service delivery and achieve laboratory accreditation are essentially the same.

Workshop 2 on the development of the ‘Manual on surveillance and control of Aedes vectors in the Pacific’

The specific objectives of the Manual are:

  • An easy-to-follow reference guide for surveillance and control of Aedes vectors that is appropriate to the various contexts of Pacific Island countries and territories
  • A document that can serve as a reference tool for training​


18 avril 2017

Le Réseau océanien de surveillance de la santé publique (ROSSP) fêtera son vingtième anniversaire cette semaine (du 19 au 22 avril), lors d’une réunion régionale prévue à Suva (Fidji).

Organisée par la Communauté du Pacifique (CPS), en collaboration avec l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé et l’Université nationale des Fidji, cette manifestation rassemblera des responsables et des spécialistes de la santé publique venant des quatre coins du Pacifique.