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Santé : des partenariats public-privé pour combler les manques des laboratoires

(contenu disponible en anglais uniquement)

Health: Public Private partnerships bridging gaps for laboratory

Strengthening public-private partnerships in health is important as it strengthens the continuity of quality and efficient health services delivery while bridging the gap when it comes to cost sharing, resources, human resources, and capacity development.

Le personnel de laboratoire de santé du Pacifique reçoit une certification pour manipuler et expédier des substances infectieuses

The isolation of Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICT’s) are part of the regions appeal for visitors looking to escape city life for a while. But this isolation also creates unique transportation and knowledge management challenges which are important for maintaining basic services and goods. Nowhere is this challenge more pronounced than health, where close regional cooperation, rapid responses, and efficient transport times are essential.

Partager les ressources en santé pour réduire le gaspillage

(contenu disponible en anglais uniquement)

Sharing health resources to reduce wastage

Every consumable product has a shelf life, and it is no different when it comes to health resources and medical supplies. Medicines and medical supplies tend to lose their effectiveness over time and lead to wastage.

According to the World Health Organisation, about 85% is general non-hazardous waste generated by healthcare. It is noted that the quantity of healthcare waste in the Pacific is increasing as population grows demanding more medical services.

Journée mondiale de l’épidémiologie de terrain : un programme océanien consacré à l’épidémiologie en renfort des interventions de santé

Le 7 septembre est célébrée la Journée mondiale de l’épidémiologie de terrain, qui vise à faire connaître le rôle central joué par les épidémiologistes de terrain en matière de protection de la santé des populations lors des urgences de santé publique, comme l’a été par exemple la pandémie de COVID-19.