Includes initiatives such as aligning internship programs to the recommended regional requirements; exploring regional ENT solutions, and implementing the Pacific perioperative practice standards.
Internship Program
The return medical graduates from medical schools traditionally unknown to the Pacific region, provided the opportunity to develop a structured approach to medical internship programs. For example, the Kiribati Internship Training Program (KITP) was developed to receive the high number of Cuban graduates. A regional working group developed 12 guiding principles for structured internship programs in the PICs
Pacific Perioperative Practice Standards
The Pacific standards for operating theatre (OT) nurses referred to as the Pacific Perioperative Practice Bundle, addressed the variation of practice among nurses in the region. Compliance to the standards are monitored by trained OT nurses who are also able to provide mentorship in the region.
Ear Nose Throat (ENT)
A Pacific Ear Nose and Throat Advisory Group (PENTAG) was convened to explore ways to strengthen ENT and Audiology services in the Pacific. A scoping study was undertaken and several collaborative actions by partners with PICs have resulted. Building the capacity of the PICs to provide ENT services in the region continues.
Regional Medical Councils
A regional meeting of the Chairpersons of medical council was held in April 2018. A situational analysis of medical council in the Pacific will be conducted in 2019 and technical support will be provided to PICs when requested.
Biomedical Services
Biomedical services are an integral part of clinical services. Pacific Biomedical Engineering Technicians (BMET) face challenges of acquiring, maintaining, repairing and finally disposing of their medical equipment. The ever-increasing range of complex medical equipment and challenging environments of the Pacific increases the difficulty the BMETs work. CSP provides technical support to PICs.