Webinar Series on Cancer Registration
An openly accessible cancer registration webinar series will commence in October 2021 continuing into 2022, to provide online learning support which is focused towards the needs of Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs) with the collection and management of cancer data. As the burden of cancer rises in the PICTs, structured methods of data collection and management help determine what services are needed when and where.
These webinars will be hosted by the Pacific Health Information Network (PHIN) and delivered by international cancer registration experts. This event is supported by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Pacific Community (SPC).
Cancer registries are not just information databases; they include all the systems and methods of getting information from the point of diagnosis through to analysis and dissemination. Cancer data management requires strengthening in the Pacific and many PICTs have realised the need to set up cancer registries and data collection as well as building capacity of existing cancer registries. This webinar series will provide a stepped approach to learning, from the basic principles to analysis, dissemination, and use of data for reporting, monitoring, research and policy development..
The webinars will discuss various topics relating to cancer registration, while responding to the needs of the PICTS and will provide a forum for discussion between international experts and PICT stakeholders. These webinars are intended for registrars, statisticians, analysts, pathologists, medical coders, clinicians, health information unit managers, and other technical and expert health workers from the region.
The first PINKTOBER webinar on Principles of Cancer Registries will take place on Friday 22nd October, 2 to 3 30pm Suva time.
To join the webinar, please use the following Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87927043076?pwd=aTZnQjUvU2xXNWgxSlowTU5kT1NRdz09 and password: 852814.