AMR M&E and Antibiogram Database Introduction training
There are two (2) important components of this activity:
1. Conduct AMR Monitoring and Evaluation work on the Microbiology and IPC training that was conducted in Samoa in October 2019 and to measure any significant impact to improving work practices or improving diagnostic capability to enhance AMR surveillance and control in Samoa.
2. Introduce the antibiogram database developed by SPC to improve recording and reporting of antibiogram results in a timely manner so as to provide accurate information to guide interventions both from a clinical and public health perspectives.
This training is funded by the European Union, and through the PPHN. Capacity building in core epidemiological skills for health workers in the Pacific is among the key recommendations from health ministers in the region. In response, PPHSN introduced the Strengthening Health Interventions in the Pacific – Data for Decision Making (SHIP-DDM)